An oil well drilled by my dad about 60 years ago.
UP "Highballing" Through South Arkansas.
Annette exercising after surgery.
Friday, May 6, 2011
Bug's Bleat - - Spinward Fringe
Ethan and Josiah at McNeil "Train Days"
Dusty helping get our rolling stock on the track.
Ethan and Josiah enjoying the trains.
Ethan helping me run trains.
Dusty helping get our rolling stock on the track.
Ethan and Josiah enjoying the trains.
Ethan helping me run trains.
Bug's Bleat - - Spinward Fringe
Volume 13, Issue 18 Friday, May 06, 2011
Hello All,
On the day we celebrate our Savior's Resurrection, I also celebrate the life of one of his servants, Larry Norman, who now resides with Christ. Ben Eiler loaned me some Larry Norman 8-track tapes when I first got saved in 1974. Those songs rode with me as I drove a company truck around the county each day. And those songs helped me know Jesus better.
Annette has C-Spine surgery April 18. Doc said there was more damage than expected. But he cleaned it up and put her back together. Should be MUCH LESS PAIN when healed. It’s been a rough time but she’s still got a positive attitude. She’s kept me busy checking on people for her while she’s not able to do so herself.
The doctor’s next plan is to work on her back. But first she has to heal from this surgery and her Cardiologist says he wants to run a couple of more tests before having his final consult with her. She’s not happy about this. It’s been a busy month, health wise.
Tuscaloosa Tornado: Videos, Photos - - [$B8aq$wtY]
We've got weather disaster and a Royal Wedding on our minds but this young man has fallen soldiers and their families on his. Thank you Ricky Gilleland.
Teen makes digital record of Arlington graves -
Rosemary Brown is standing over the grave of her son at Arlington National Cemetery when someone catches her eye. It's a boy in khaki shorts and muddy shoes, juggling a clunky camera and the Motorola Xoom he got for his 17th birthday five days earlier. [,0,152927.story]
This is a prime example of why I believe we need to "Push" as much as possible for local solutions (and financing) of our problems. Here's an 11th grader who has solved the problem of record-keeping at Arlington National Cemetery while our elected officials and the Cemetery staff continue to "investigate" what to do.
Happy Earth Day! Did you know that passenger rail travel is 20% more efficient than airline travel and 30% more efficient than automobile travel? Learn more about how trains help the environment
"The problem is here and now. The time for talk is past. The time for action is now." - - Comments on the first Earth Day _ James F. McClellan via "Fuzzy" Thurman
Defenders of Liberty - - 2011 Air Show - - Barksdale Air Force Base
Date: May 7 and 8, 2011 • Gates Open: 9am • Show Time: 10am
Free Admission • Free Parking
One man who hated us is dead. There may be some positive results of this, such as more radicals quitting the fight against us or even joining us to keep from being targeted by predators, etc.
However, there are still schools churning out thousands who believe the lie that we are the infidels and killing us gives them a "free pass." We may very well see an uptick in attempted terror attacks.
This is not a "brush war." This is a fight for our existence. It's not over and we need to be more vigilant and support those who are working and fighting to protect us.
A big way to show our support is to insist that the military services move further into a long term war footing. We must give our troops more time between deployments and take other actions to preserve our fighting forces.
John Harden shared this song which doesn't just "touch" me. It grabs me up, hugs me and whispers . . "I did it for you."
And when they had come to the place called Calvary, there they crucified Him, and the criminals, one on the right hand and the other on the left. Then Jesus said, "Father forgive them, for they do not know what they do." And they divided his garments and cast lots. [Luke 23:33-34]
One of my absolute favorite hymns out there. Only three short verses, but they really hit home the message of Easter as well as any I've heard. Very much worth three minutes of your time this Good Friday. - - John Harden
Here are some more friends “Easter Thoughts.”
Donna Hinshaw
Why Jesus died for us?
Janet Holiman Dickinson
I love Thee, I love Thee, and this Thou dost know. How much I love Thee, my actions will show.
Jodi Wreyford McClellan
But he was pierced for our transgressions,
He was crushed for our iniquities;
the punishment that brought us peace was on him,
and by his wounds we are healed. Isaiah 53:5
Make the time to listen. It will set the tone of your whole day.
Laura Baker
Friday looked hopeless... but Sunday was on its way!!! Whatever Friday you are facing in your life... know that Sunday is on its way!
Leon N Kathy Cheatham
Praise GOD for the empty tomb, it provided me a way to eternal GLORY with my LORD and SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nancee Davis Law
What makes this a Good Friday is that the story doesn’t end here…
Nicole Peace Coarsey via Deb Harrison Kuhns
Dance Your Shoes Off
Rebecca Williams
Jesus not only died for us...He rose from the grave to make intercessions for us.....he is no longer bound by the grave ....He took back the keys to death hell and the grave......he allowed the greater one to indue us with power his death he multiplied his life through us.....
Royce Prince likes a link.
Glorious Day - an Uplifting, Must-see Video for Good Friday
Wendell Franks
God, the Creator of the universe, died for mankind. A thousand lifetimes would not be enough to comprehend His love and mercy.
Dustin and I finished wiring the turnouts on the “Cotton Valley” railroad. Annette’s started discussing“scenicking..” In the meantime, we’re enjoying running trains.
Postcards From Stupidsville
By Christel Marchand
I grin when someone asks a question about diabetes. I always attempt to respond gracefully, despite my desire at times to bonk the individual on the forehead as if to say “Duh!” I’ve got the answers (or most of them) from years of sharing the same information over and over. As many of us who have had diabetes and actively seek out education about the disease, I supposedly know a lot about the day-to-day management.
Why can’t I listen to myself?
I had become (and am still, in unguarded moments) complacent. It’s not that I don’t care about my diabetes. I am aware of all the statistics and complications, what happens when things go wrong, how to deal with high and low blood sugars. I have, in the past, been fastidious about keeping on top of the disease. (After years of not keeping on top, I know the difference.)
A few months ago, I began a new job. New city, new transportation options, and well, a whole new life. It used to be that I drove everywhere, worked from home most of the time, and had access to all sorts of supplies.
Now, I take the subway to work, alleviating the rise in blood sugars due to stress that my city’s traffic notoriously causes. I don’t need to leave my building to grab lunch – there is a veritable cornucopia of dining options downstairs. Where does this leave me?
I sat in a meeting in the first week of my new employment that (as meetings are wont to do) ran over the time allotted. I knew my blood sugar was dropping, but we were in the middle of a very intense discussion, so I quietly patted my pocket for some readily available Starburst. Umm … not wearing pockets. The train pulled into the Stupidsville station and I struggled with excusing myself or riding it out. (For all of us who have experienced a “riding it out” low blood sugar, you can explain to the others about that feeling of panic. Sheer panic.)
I didn’t move. The meeting continued, and thankfully, we decided to break for lunch. I made it back to my office, where my stash of sugar hides itself in a top drawer and my meter stared accusingly at me on my desk. It beeped “43” and I shoveled sugar into my mouth. I used to tell people about the importance of keeping some type of sugar with you at all times, because “you never know when you might need it”.
Not three weeks later, after checking my blood sugar before I left for work, I skipped the train to Stupidsville and took a jet plane. I had placed a new insertion set in that morning, and it malfunctioned. Big time. I shot up 250 points in less than two hours. Easy fix, right? Put a new insertion set in and take extra insulin to cover the high blood sugar. Yeah, that’s what I tell people to do, along with the need to have an “emergency kit” at work that includes a vial of insulin, syringes, a glucagon kit, pump supplies, and sugar.
I never brought my “emergency kit” to work. At that moment, the airplane door opened, and the flight attendant pushed me out over Stupidsville, smiling sweetly while saying: “Thank you for flying with us. Watch that step. It’s a doozy!”
I was able to hightail it out of Stupidsville, but only because my coworkers know that I am diabetic. (I am always a firm believer that at least one person at your job should know you’re a diabetic, in case something happens.) A frantic phone call, a quick ride on the subway, and less than an hour later, I had a new vial of Humalog and a package of syringes. I was able to bring my blood sugar down through manual injections, but the day left me exhausted and angry at myself.
New job, new city, new life … old routines that I had forgotten – and needed more than ever.
I now make sure that before meetings, I check my blood sugar at my desk. I keep supplies with me at work. I carry supplies with me wherever I go, which amuses people who watch me dig through the depths of my purse for a wayward cracker package. I haven’t visited Stupidsville in a while, but it looms in the distance. I know the main road to get there is named complacency, and it’s not a long road. I’m just trying, as we all are, to avoid speeding in that direction.
dLife's Daily Living columnists are not all medical experts, but everyday people living with diabetes and sharing their personal experiences. While their method of diabetes management may work for them, everyone is different. Please consult with your diabetes care team to find out what will work best for you.
As I've said over and over, I support reducing funding for ALL the Federal Government until we get "back in the black." However, congress is bent on defunding the “other guy” and maintaining funding for “their” projects. It will never work. This is just more of the same nonsense that will result in our nation’s bankrupcy.
Speaking of vaccinations, Annette’s Aunt Jeanette commented; “I don't know if you knew that Charles had Post Polio Syndrom. It occurs usually around your 40es if you have ever had polio and he had polio when he was 4 yrs old before the vaccine. He was quarantined in Children’s Hospital and away from his parents. Imagine, leaving you Child alone in a hospital at 4yrs old. I don't think I could do it. He was in a body cast and could hardly move. This caused the Post Polio Syndrom and it caused him to lose the use of his left arm when he was in his 40es. He worked and was a good provider anyway. There’s a Dr. Garrison retired now here in Texarkana that had Polio. He told Felecia a few years ago that he had Post Polio Syndrom too and he had to retire. My Mother had smallpox when she was little. All my brothers and sisters and myself from me on up had whooping cough when we were little. The older ones had it when I was born and then I caught it. Just a little ancestor vaccine history.
All aboard for the fourth annual National Train Day!
Amtrak is calling all kids, young and old, to join the coast-to-coast celebration of train love! The fourth annual National Train Day arrives on Saturday, May 7, so make your plans today to attend one of the major events at train stations in Washington, DC, Philadelphia, Los Angeles or Chicago from 11 a.m.–4 p.m.
Festivities will feature:
live entertainment
interactive and educational exhibits
model train displays
train equipment tours
culinary demonstrations by Amtrak and celebrity chefs
K-9 demonstrations
Radio Disney
AmtraKids Depot birthday party to celebrate Amtrak's 40th Anniversary
Not near one of these cities? National Train Day celebrations are happening around the country. Visit for even more locations.
Find National Train Day on Face book [] and Twitter.
Even if the wealthy didn't pay more than their share of our taxes, it ain't right to MAKE a minority of the folks support the majority. The income tax was "sold" to the American people as a way to "get" the wealthy. All it's done is "get" folks who work. Beware, you'll hear more about how "we" need to make "them" pay more. And in the end, "we" will turn out to be "them." []
I'm not against taxes. I'm against folks deciding that I should pay more than them just because I worked harder. Remember "The Little Red Hen?" There are federal, state and local expenditures that I heartily support. However, we all need to feel the same pain instead of trying to get "someone else" to feel ours for us. As long as the budget issue is couched in "who can pay more terms" instead of "how can we spend less" there are going to be "victims" instead of citizens.
What is the difference between a taxidermist and a tax collector? The taxidermist takes only your skin. - - Mark Twain - - via Michael E. Dunn
Janet Holiman Dickinson - - "Can the liberties of a nation be secure when we have removed a conviction that these liberties are a gift of God? Indeed I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just, and that His justice cannot sleep forever." Thomas Jefferson
We have a main intersection in Magnolia which floods anytime there is a large rain. If it's a significant rain, the businesses located at the intersection also flood. This has been going on for YEARS. The city has contended that there is nothing they can do. BALDERDASH! It will be expensive, but they could enlarge the drainage at that intersection and route it to the creek located 50 yards downstream.
Healthy Swaps
The ultimate guide to having your cake and eating it too.
Intro_Page_Eating_Cake With the right ingredient swapping, you can indulge in most of your favorite foods without suffering the consequences. Below, click on one of dLife's Healthy Swaps for user-friendly tips and tricks to transform high-carb indulgences into healthy dishes that won’t send your sugar soaring. Sometimes you can switch out an ingredient and not even notice the difference. Other times, simply adding an extra healthy food to your dish is a great way to increase the nutrition quotient without giving up all that is yummy. Are you a Healthy Swapping expert? Post your ideas in the Food Talk forum, and we will select the best ones to include in these pages.
Nancee Davis Law - - Faith can make a tadpole slap a whale
Norma Kay Rowe - - Life is about learning what is worth fighting for, and realizing when strength is more than muscle.
Suzi Bennett Ingram - - "I've never wished a man dead, but I have read some obituaries with pleasure." Mark Twain
Dee Dee Fitzhugh Snyder - - Couldn't help but post this statement: Only one man's death changed the world, and we celebrated that last week. AMEN!
Leon N Kathy Cheatham - - You hear Osama is dead with no proof of a body and you celebrate/ You hear Christ died and rose again with no proof of a body and you speculate"
Pamela Prince
Benji: "Why do we hold hands when we pray over our food?"
Me: "It's just a sign of unity in our family."
Benji: "Oh, I thought it was to keep someone from stealing our food while our eyes are closed!"
America is not at war. The military is at war. - - America is at the mall, or watching the movie stars. []
The latest from Michael Yon, the foremost “milnews” blogger on the web.
President Obama has decided to withhold photos of the body of Osama bin Laden. This must have been a big decision for a President who campaigned on government transparency, and the idea that Americans should not be shielded from the horrors of war. Please see the new INFOSEC guidelines issued by the White House, effective Monday, 09 May 2011.
Please click: PARODY []
Very Respectfully,
Michael Yon
Your Writer,
Please remember that this website accepts no advertisement and is dependent on your support.
PS Please sign up for my updates at "Michael_Yon" [] (not Michael Yon).
If you would like to encourage US Troops overseas, but are not sure just how to begin, visit for ideas.
Photos on the front of this weeks “Bleat” include - - Bug, Annette exercising after surgery, Trees, One of the oil wells my dad drilled around 1950, & a Union Pacific Engine “Highballing.”
We’ve now got several addresses on the web for "Da Bleat." For the latest issue, go to
Our photos are posted at
Feel free to share the "Bleat" with any and all. That's why we publish it.
BreakPoint - - Big Brother Uses an iPhone
Technology and Human Dignity
By: Chuck Colson|Published: May 6, 2011
Topics: Business & Economics, Politics & Government, Technology
Big Brother is watching. More than that, he’s tracking your every move.
Chuck Colson
I’m not a conspiracy theorist, but I’ve got to tell you, the recent news reports that Apple’s iPhone and iPad can track your location moment by moment reminded me of George Orwell’s 1984. Media outlets were all -- excuse the pun -- a’twitter about how iPhones store users’ unencrypted information for a year.
Fortunately for Apple, it was able to credibly deny the reports. A data file publicized by security researchers, it turns out, doesn't store actual locations. But what it does is keep a list of Wi-Fi hotspots and cell towers, which means, potentially, Apple can track the location of the iPhone I’m carrying in my pocket. For me, that’s too close for comfort. Apple promises it will fix the problem to ensure our privacy is protected.
Well, do you trust Apple to act in an unbiased way in the public interest? Remember, Apple banned the Manhattan Declaration app from its app store because gay-rights groups were angry about the Declaration’s support of marriage as being between a man and a woman. Apple squelched one side of a raging public debate. But Apple, as a public corporation and major carrier of information has a responsibility to encourage open debate. That’s vital to democracy.
But even if Apple hadn’t dropped our app, I’d still find this brouhaha about the iPhone troubling. Apple says nothing untoward is happening, and perhaps this time it isn’t, but how can we be sure that they won’t change their mind? Remember in 1984 where those reverse televisions kept a merciless eye on the people?
Today’s technology goes far beyond that. Facebook, for example, will reportedly be using facial recognition to suggest the names of friends who appear in newly uploaded photos. One commenter responded to this news by saying, “Awesome! Now I can take pictures of cute girls at the grocery store or at the park, upload them and Facebook will tell me who they are!”
From all that we’ve seen with computers, cell phones, and the Web, I think it’s safe to assume our private information won’t remain private. And do we really want to entrust our personal security to a faceless corporate or government bureaucracy? And gamble that Big Brother won’t get his unsavory paws on our private data?
To paraphrase President Ford, a company or government big enough to give you everything you want is a company or government big enough to take from you everything you have. Through the technological advances of Apple, Facebook, and other corporations, we now have the technology we want. But they have enormous access into our lives, and they must be held accountable.
Beyond the obvious concerns about maintaining our privacy, we need to ask some deeper questions: What do all these digital intrusions tell us about human beings? We’re not here to simply serve the marketing or financial needs of Big Brother. We’re made in the image of God. We have intrinsic dignity. I’m not the first to worry about the dehumanizing tendencies of technology.
We Christians, along with everyone else in our complex technological society, face difficult choices when it comes to using, benefiting from, and sometimes protecting ourselves from our electronic creations. The digital age has much that is praiseworthy -- and much that is perilous. A crucial part of Christian discipleship in the 21st century is learning to tell the difference.
Further Reading and Information
Facebook Facial Recognition Could Get Creepy
Megan Geuss | PC World | April 26, 2011
Apple: iPhone not Tracking Users, Will Get Update
Peter Svensson | Associated Press | April 27, 2011
Manhattan Declaration
Life, Marriage and Religious Liberty |
Residents of Columbia County, Arkansas are represented in Congress by:
Senator John Boozman (R_ AR)
1 Russell Courtyard
Washington DC, 20510
Phone: 202-224-4843
Senator Mark Pryor (D_ AR)
Phone 202_224_2353
FAX 202_228_0908
Representative Michael A. Ross (D _ 04)
Phone 202_225_3772
FAX 202_225_1314
Other states congresspersons can be found at: []
"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." - Dr. Seuss
"Happiness in intelligent people is the rarest thing I know." - Ernest Hemingway
"The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, nor to worry about the future, but to live the present moment wisely and earnestly." - Siddhartha Gautama
"Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving." - Albert Einstein
"Courage is the most important of all the virtues, because without courage you can't practice any other virtue consistently. You can practice any virtue erratically, but nothing consistently without courage." - Maya Angelou
"The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires." - William Arthur Ward
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Madeleine Begun Kane Latest Column - -
Dear Emily Dickinson, Please Forgive Me
April 6th, 2011
As part of its National Poetry Month and Poem In Your Pocket Day “Envelope Project” celebrations, New York City is running an Emily Dickinson related poetry contest. Basically, it involves writing your own poems using Dickinson first lines.
Although I didn’t enter the contest (I wasn’t thrilled with its reprint permission form) I chose four Emily Dickinson first lines and wrote four short, whimsical, New York City-inspired poems. Here they are, with Dickinson’s words noted in italics:
I shall keep singing though I’m bad,
and those who hear me shout, “Egad!”
You’ll never see me on Broadway,
unless you mean my street display.
The Cricket sang.
My sleep is done.
I’d sooner hear an engine run.
I started Early–Took my Dog –
unleashed — don’t fret —
Just franks and grog.
A Day! Help! Help! Another Day!
I wish sometimes they’d go away.
I much prefer the dark of night
So daylight please, go fly a kite.
© Madeleine Begun Kane. All Rights Reserved.
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Weekly Toll _ _
Death In The Workplace w/News & Updates
John Donne _ ...any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.
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The Pump Handle. A water cooler for the public health crowd.
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Movie Reviews - - []
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"We have nothing to fear but fear itself." __ Franklin D. Roosevelt
"There is not enough darkness in the world to put out the light of one candle."
Tell the people you love that you love them, at every opportunity. _ _ George Carlin
"Stop telling God how big your storm is. Instead, tell the storm how big your God is!" _ _ Queen E. Watson
“A political class of Republicans and Democrats that look after themselves, not the Nation. A media hostile to the very precepts of this nation. A generation of Americans who see morals as vices, and are ignorant of America's Actual History.”
"The things that will destroy America are prosperity-at-any-price, peace-at-any-price, safety-first instead of duty-first, the love of soft living, and the get-rich-quick theory of life." - - Theodore Roosevelt
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Scheduled Activities
Men's Prayer Breakfast held every Tuesday morning at 6 AM in Miller's Cafeteria. If you aren't a regular participant at the Men's Prayer Breakfast, you're missing some great food, fellowship and inspired teaching of the Word. Hope to see you there.
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Direct Numbers
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Jail _ 234_5331 (24 Hour)
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"Laugh whenever you can and cry if you need to." __ "Bug"
"I read the end of the book. We win!" __ "Bug"
"We may not be able to cure the world, but we don't have to make it sicker." __ "Bug"
"There just ain't enough fingers for all the holes in the dike." _ _ "Bug"
"It's no big deal doing what God tells you to do. A big deal would be NOT doing what God tells you to do. Just ask Jonah." _ _ Paul Troquille
“Nam et ipsa scientia potestas est.” Knowledge is power. _ Francis Bacon
"The problem is here and now. The time for talk is past. The time for action is now."
Comments on the first Earth Day _ James F. McClellan via John "Fuzzy" Thurman
Hope you enjoy the newsletter.
Again, thanks to all our contributors this week.
"Remember Pearl Harbor? Remember 9/11!" __"Bug"
God bless and GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!
God is Good and Faithful CU 73 IC JFM CSP NREMT_I KC5HII
P. S. If you'd like to be added to the distribution, just drop us E_mail at
. We offer "Da Bleat" as text, a "Blog" and as a newsletter with pictures in Word and PDF format. The latest issue is usually updated sometime Saturday. For the "Blog" version just go to one of the several addresses on the web. For the latest issue, go to Older issues can be found at, where _ is the quarter (1, 2, 3, or 4) and __ is the year (05, 06, 07, 08 or 09). We also have a site [] where we post photos that I like.
Let us hear from you if we can switch you over to the "Word" or "PDF" version of "Da Bleat".
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Hello All,
On the day we celebrate our Savior's Resurrection, I also celebrate the life of one of his servants, Larry Norman, who now resides with Christ. Ben Eiler loaned me some Larry Norman 8-track tapes when I first got saved in 1974. Those songs rode with me as I drove a company truck around the county each day. And those songs helped me know Jesus better.
Annette has C-Spine surgery April 18. Doc said there was more damage than expected. But he cleaned it up and put her back together. Should be MUCH LESS PAIN when healed. It’s been a rough time but she’s still got a positive attitude. She’s kept me busy checking on people for her while she’s not able to do so herself.
The doctor’s next plan is to work on her back. But first she has to heal from this surgery and her Cardiologist says he wants to run a couple of more tests before having his final consult with her. She’s not happy about this. It’s been a busy month, health wise.
Tuscaloosa Tornado: Videos, Photos - - [$B8aq$wtY]
We've got weather disaster and a Royal Wedding on our minds but this young man has fallen soldiers and their families on his. Thank you Ricky Gilleland.
Teen makes digital record of Arlington graves -
Rosemary Brown is standing over the grave of her son at Arlington National Cemetery when someone catches her eye. It's a boy in khaki shorts and muddy shoes, juggling a clunky camera and the Motorola Xoom he got for his 17th birthday five days earlier. [,0,152927.story]
This is a prime example of why I believe we need to "Push" as much as possible for local solutions (and financing) of our problems. Here's an 11th grader who has solved the problem of record-keeping at Arlington National Cemetery while our elected officials and the Cemetery staff continue to "investigate" what to do.
Happy Earth Day! Did you know that passenger rail travel is 20% more efficient than airline travel and 30% more efficient than automobile travel? Learn more about how trains help the environment
"The problem is here and now. The time for talk is past. The time for action is now." - - Comments on the first Earth Day _ James F. McClellan via "Fuzzy" Thurman
Defenders of Liberty - - 2011 Air Show - - Barksdale Air Force Base
Date: May 7 and 8, 2011 • Gates Open: 9am • Show Time: 10am
Free Admission • Free Parking
One man who hated us is dead. There may be some positive results of this, such as more radicals quitting the fight against us or even joining us to keep from being targeted by predators, etc.
However, there are still schools churning out thousands who believe the lie that we are the infidels and killing us gives them a "free pass." We may very well see an uptick in attempted terror attacks.
This is not a "brush war." This is a fight for our existence. It's not over and we need to be more vigilant and support those who are working and fighting to protect us.
A big way to show our support is to insist that the military services move further into a long term war footing. We must give our troops more time between deployments and take other actions to preserve our fighting forces.
John Harden shared this song which doesn't just "touch" me. It grabs me up, hugs me and whispers . . "I did it for you."
And when they had come to the place called Calvary, there they crucified Him, and the criminals, one on the right hand and the other on the left. Then Jesus said, "Father forgive them, for they do not know what they do." And they divided his garments and cast lots. [Luke 23:33-34]
One of my absolute favorite hymns out there. Only three short verses, but they really hit home the message of Easter as well as any I've heard. Very much worth three minutes of your time this Good Friday. - - John Harden
Here are some more friends “Easter Thoughts.”
Donna Hinshaw
Why Jesus died for us?
Janet Holiman Dickinson
I love Thee, I love Thee, and this Thou dost know. How much I love Thee, my actions will show.
Jodi Wreyford McClellan
But he was pierced for our transgressions,
He was crushed for our iniquities;
the punishment that brought us peace was on him,
and by his wounds we are healed. Isaiah 53:5
Make the time to listen. It will set the tone of your whole day.
Laura Baker
Friday looked hopeless... but Sunday was on its way!!! Whatever Friday you are facing in your life... know that Sunday is on its way!
Leon N Kathy Cheatham
Praise GOD for the empty tomb, it provided me a way to eternal GLORY with my LORD and SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nancee Davis Law
What makes this a Good Friday is that the story doesn’t end here…
Nicole Peace Coarsey via Deb Harrison Kuhns
Dance Your Shoes Off
Rebecca Williams
Jesus not only died for us...He rose from the grave to make intercessions for us.....he is no longer bound by the grave ....He took back the keys to death hell and the grave......he allowed the greater one to indue us with power his death he multiplied his life through us.....
Royce Prince likes a link.
Glorious Day - an Uplifting, Must-see Video for Good Friday
Wendell Franks
God, the Creator of the universe, died for mankind. A thousand lifetimes would not be enough to comprehend His love and mercy.
Dustin and I finished wiring the turnouts on the “Cotton Valley” railroad. Annette’s started discussing“scenicking..” In the meantime, we’re enjoying running trains.
Postcards From Stupidsville
By Christel Marchand
I grin when someone asks a question about diabetes. I always attempt to respond gracefully, despite my desire at times to bonk the individual on the forehead as if to say “Duh!” I’ve got the answers (or most of them) from years of sharing the same information over and over. As many of us who have had diabetes and actively seek out education about the disease, I supposedly know a lot about the day-to-day management.
Why can’t I listen to myself?
I had become (and am still, in unguarded moments) complacent. It’s not that I don’t care about my diabetes. I am aware of all the statistics and complications, what happens when things go wrong, how to deal with high and low blood sugars. I have, in the past, been fastidious about keeping on top of the disease. (After years of not keeping on top, I know the difference.)
A few months ago, I began a new job. New city, new transportation options, and well, a whole new life. It used to be that I drove everywhere, worked from home most of the time, and had access to all sorts of supplies.
Now, I take the subway to work, alleviating the rise in blood sugars due to stress that my city’s traffic notoriously causes. I don’t need to leave my building to grab lunch – there is a veritable cornucopia of dining options downstairs. Where does this leave me?
I sat in a meeting in the first week of my new employment that (as meetings are wont to do) ran over the time allotted. I knew my blood sugar was dropping, but we were in the middle of a very intense discussion, so I quietly patted my pocket for some readily available Starburst. Umm … not wearing pockets. The train pulled into the Stupidsville station and I struggled with excusing myself or riding it out. (For all of us who have experienced a “riding it out” low blood sugar, you can explain to the others about that feeling of panic. Sheer panic.)
I didn’t move. The meeting continued, and thankfully, we decided to break for lunch. I made it back to my office, where my stash of sugar hides itself in a top drawer and my meter stared accusingly at me on my desk. It beeped “43” and I shoveled sugar into my mouth. I used to tell people about the importance of keeping some type of sugar with you at all times, because “you never know when you might need it”.
Not three weeks later, after checking my blood sugar before I left for work, I skipped the train to Stupidsville and took a jet plane. I had placed a new insertion set in that morning, and it malfunctioned. Big time. I shot up 250 points in less than two hours. Easy fix, right? Put a new insertion set in and take extra insulin to cover the high blood sugar. Yeah, that’s what I tell people to do, along with the need to have an “emergency kit” at work that includes a vial of insulin, syringes, a glucagon kit, pump supplies, and sugar.
I never brought my “emergency kit” to work. At that moment, the airplane door opened, and the flight attendant pushed me out over Stupidsville, smiling sweetly while saying: “Thank you for flying with us. Watch that step. It’s a doozy!”
I was able to hightail it out of Stupidsville, but only because my coworkers know that I am diabetic. (I am always a firm believer that at least one person at your job should know you’re a diabetic, in case something happens.) A frantic phone call, a quick ride on the subway, and less than an hour later, I had a new vial of Humalog and a package of syringes. I was able to bring my blood sugar down through manual injections, but the day left me exhausted and angry at myself.
New job, new city, new life … old routines that I had forgotten – and needed more than ever.
I now make sure that before meetings, I check my blood sugar at my desk. I keep supplies with me at work. I carry supplies with me wherever I go, which amuses people who watch me dig through the depths of my purse for a wayward cracker package. I haven’t visited Stupidsville in a while, but it looms in the distance. I know the main road to get there is named complacency, and it’s not a long road. I’m just trying, as we all are, to avoid speeding in that direction.
dLife's Daily Living columnists are not all medical experts, but everyday people living with diabetes and sharing their personal experiences. While their method of diabetes management may work for them, everyone is different. Please consult with your diabetes care team to find out what will work best for you.
As I've said over and over, I support reducing funding for ALL the Federal Government until we get "back in the black." However, congress is bent on defunding the “other guy” and maintaining funding for “their” projects. It will never work. This is just more of the same nonsense that will result in our nation’s bankrupcy.
Speaking of vaccinations, Annette’s Aunt Jeanette commented; “I don't know if you knew that Charles had Post Polio Syndrom. It occurs usually around your 40es if you have ever had polio and he had polio when he was 4 yrs old before the vaccine. He was quarantined in Children’s Hospital and away from his parents. Imagine, leaving you Child alone in a hospital at 4yrs old. I don't think I could do it. He was in a body cast and could hardly move. This caused the Post Polio Syndrom and it caused him to lose the use of his left arm when he was in his 40es. He worked and was a good provider anyway. There’s a Dr. Garrison retired now here in Texarkana that had Polio. He told Felecia a few years ago that he had Post Polio Syndrom too and he had to retire. My Mother had smallpox when she was little. All my brothers and sisters and myself from me on up had whooping cough when we were little. The older ones had it when I was born and then I caught it. Just a little ancestor vaccine history.
All aboard for the fourth annual National Train Day!
Amtrak is calling all kids, young and old, to join the coast-to-coast celebration of train love! The fourth annual National Train Day arrives on Saturday, May 7, so make your plans today to attend one of the major events at train stations in Washington, DC, Philadelphia, Los Angeles or Chicago from 11 a.m.–4 p.m.
Festivities will feature:
live entertainment
interactive and educational exhibits
model train displays
train equipment tours
culinary demonstrations by Amtrak and celebrity chefs
K-9 demonstrations
Radio Disney
AmtraKids Depot birthday party to celebrate Amtrak's 40th Anniversary
Not near one of these cities? National Train Day celebrations are happening around the country. Visit for even more locations.
Find National Train Day on Face book [] and Twitter.
Even if the wealthy didn't pay more than their share of our taxes, it ain't right to MAKE a minority of the folks support the majority. The income tax was "sold" to the American people as a way to "get" the wealthy. All it's done is "get" folks who work. Beware, you'll hear more about how "we" need to make "them" pay more. And in the end, "we" will turn out to be "them." []
I'm not against taxes. I'm against folks deciding that I should pay more than them just because I worked harder. Remember "The Little Red Hen?" There are federal, state and local expenditures that I heartily support. However, we all need to feel the same pain instead of trying to get "someone else" to feel ours for us. As long as the budget issue is couched in "who can pay more terms" instead of "how can we spend less" there are going to be "victims" instead of citizens.
What is the difference between a taxidermist and a tax collector? The taxidermist takes only your skin. - - Mark Twain - - via Michael E. Dunn
Janet Holiman Dickinson - - "Can the liberties of a nation be secure when we have removed a conviction that these liberties are a gift of God? Indeed I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just, and that His justice cannot sleep forever." Thomas Jefferson
We have a main intersection in Magnolia which floods anytime there is a large rain. If it's a significant rain, the businesses located at the intersection also flood. This has been going on for YEARS. The city has contended that there is nothing they can do. BALDERDASH! It will be expensive, but they could enlarge the drainage at that intersection and route it to the creek located 50 yards downstream.
Healthy Swaps
The ultimate guide to having your cake and eating it too.
Intro_Page_Eating_Cake With the right ingredient swapping, you can indulge in most of your favorite foods without suffering the consequences. Below, click on one of dLife's Healthy Swaps for user-friendly tips and tricks to transform high-carb indulgences into healthy dishes that won’t send your sugar soaring. Sometimes you can switch out an ingredient and not even notice the difference. Other times, simply adding an extra healthy food to your dish is a great way to increase the nutrition quotient without giving up all that is yummy. Are you a Healthy Swapping expert? Post your ideas in the Food Talk forum, and we will select the best ones to include in these pages.
Nancee Davis Law - - Faith can make a tadpole slap a whale
Norma Kay Rowe - - Life is about learning what is worth fighting for, and realizing when strength is more than muscle.
Suzi Bennett Ingram - - "I've never wished a man dead, but I have read some obituaries with pleasure." Mark Twain
Dee Dee Fitzhugh Snyder - - Couldn't help but post this statement: Only one man's death changed the world, and we celebrated that last week. AMEN!
Leon N Kathy Cheatham - - You hear Osama is dead with no proof of a body and you celebrate/ You hear Christ died and rose again with no proof of a body and you speculate"
Pamela Prince
Benji: "Why do we hold hands when we pray over our food?"
Me: "It's just a sign of unity in our family."
Benji: "Oh, I thought it was to keep someone from stealing our food while our eyes are closed!"
America is not at war. The military is at war. - - America is at the mall, or watching the movie stars. []
The latest from Michael Yon, the foremost “milnews” blogger on the web.
President Obama has decided to withhold photos of the body of Osama bin Laden. This must have been a big decision for a President who campaigned on government transparency, and the idea that Americans should not be shielded from the horrors of war. Please see the new INFOSEC guidelines issued by the White House, effective Monday, 09 May 2011.
Please click: PARODY []
Very Respectfully,
Michael Yon
Your Writer,
Please remember that this website accepts no advertisement and is dependent on your support.
PS Please sign up for my updates at "Michael_Yon" [] (not Michael Yon).
If you would like to encourage US Troops overseas, but are not sure just how to begin, visit for ideas.
Photos on the front of this weeks “Bleat” include - - Bug, Annette exercising after surgery, Trees, One of the oil wells my dad drilled around 1950, & a Union Pacific Engine “Highballing.”
We’ve now got several addresses on the web for "Da Bleat." For the latest issue, go to
Our photos are posted at
Feel free to share the "Bleat" with any and all. That's why we publish it.
BreakPoint - - Big Brother Uses an iPhone
Technology and Human Dignity
By: Chuck Colson|Published: May 6, 2011
Topics: Business & Economics, Politics & Government, Technology
Big Brother is watching. More than that, he’s tracking your every move.
Chuck Colson
I’m not a conspiracy theorist, but I’ve got to tell you, the recent news reports that Apple’s iPhone and iPad can track your location moment by moment reminded me of George Orwell’s 1984. Media outlets were all -- excuse the pun -- a’twitter about how iPhones store users’ unencrypted information for a year.
Fortunately for Apple, it was able to credibly deny the reports. A data file publicized by security researchers, it turns out, doesn't store actual locations. But what it does is keep a list of Wi-Fi hotspots and cell towers, which means, potentially, Apple can track the location of the iPhone I’m carrying in my pocket. For me, that’s too close for comfort. Apple promises it will fix the problem to ensure our privacy is protected.
Well, do you trust Apple to act in an unbiased way in the public interest? Remember, Apple banned the Manhattan Declaration app from its app store because gay-rights groups were angry about the Declaration’s support of marriage as being between a man and a woman. Apple squelched one side of a raging public debate. But Apple, as a public corporation and major carrier of information has a responsibility to encourage open debate. That’s vital to democracy.
But even if Apple hadn’t dropped our app, I’d still find this brouhaha about the iPhone troubling. Apple says nothing untoward is happening, and perhaps this time it isn’t, but how can we be sure that they won’t change their mind? Remember in 1984 where those reverse televisions kept a merciless eye on the people?
Today’s technology goes far beyond that. Facebook, for example, will reportedly be using facial recognition to suggest the names of friends who appear in newly uploaded photos. One commenter responded to this news by saying, “Awesome! Now I can take pictures of cute girls at the grocery store or at the park, upload them and Facebook will tell me who they are!”
From all that we’ve seen with computers, cell phones, and the Web, I think it’s safe to assume our private information won’t remain private. And do we really want to entrust our personal security to a faceless corporate or government bureaucracy? And gamble that Big Brother won’t get his unsavory paws on our private data?
To paraphrase President Ford, a company or government big enough to give you everything you want is a company or government big enough to take from you everything you have. Through the technological advances of Apple, Facebook, and other corporations, we now have the technology we want. But they have enormous access into our lives, and they must be held accountable.
Beyond the obvious concerns about maintaining our privacy, we need to ask some deeper questions: What do all these digital intrusions tell us about human beings? We’re not here to simply serve the marketing or financial needs of Big Brother. We’re made in the image of God. We have intrinsic dignity. I’m not the first to worry about the dehumanizing tendencies of technology.
We Christians, along with everyone else in our complex technological society, face difficult choices when it comes to using, benefiting from, and sometimes protecting ourselves from our electronic creations. The digital age has much that is praiseworthy -- and much that is perilous. A crucial part of Christian discipleship in the 21st century is learning to tell the difference.
Further Reading and Information
Facebook Facial Recognition Could Get Creepy
Megan Geuss | PC World | April 26, 2011
Apple: iPhone not Tracking Users, Will Get Update
Peter Svensson | Associated Press | April 27, 2011
Manhattan Declaration
Life, Marriage and Religious Liberty |
Residents of Columbia County, Arkansas are represented in Congress by:
Senator John Boozman (R_ AR)
1 Russell Courtyard
Washington DC, 20510
Phone: 202-224-4843
Senator Mark Pryor (D_ AR)
Phone 202_224_2353
FAX 202_228_0908
Representative Michael A. Ross (D _ 04)
Phone 202_225_3772
FAX 202_225_1314
Other states congresspersons can be found at: []
"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." - Dr. Seuss
"Happiness in intelligent people is the rarest thing I know." - Ernest Hemingway
"The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, nor to worry about the future, but to live the present moment wisely and earnestly." - Siddhartha Gautama
"Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving." - Albert Einstein
"Courage is the most important of all the virtues, because without courage you can't practice any other virtue consistently. You can practice any virtue erratically, but nothing consistently without courage." - Maya Angelou
"The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires." - William Arthur Ward
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Madeleine Begun Kane Latest Column - -
Dear Emily Dickinson, Please Forgive Me
April 6th, 2011
As part of its National Poetry Month and Poem In Your Pocket Day “Envelope Project” celebrations, New York City is running an Emily Dickinson related poetry contest. Basically, it involves writing your own poems using Dickinson first lines.
Although I didn’t enter the contest (I wasn’t thrilled with its reprint permission form) I chose four Emily Dickinson first lines and wrote four short, whimsical, New York City-inspired poems. Here they are, with Dickinson’s words noted in italics:
I shall keep singing though I’m bad,
and those who hear me shout, “Egad!”
You’ll never see me on Broadway,
unless you mean my street display.
The Cricket sang.
My sleep is done.
I’d sooner hear an engine run.
I started Early–Took my Dog –
unleashed — don’t fret —
Just franks and grog.
A Day! Help! Help! Another Day!
I wish sometimes they’d go away.
I much prefer the dark of night
So daylight please, go fly a kite.
© Madeleine Begun Kane. All Rights Reserved.
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Weekly Toll _ _
Death In The Workplace w/News & Updates
John Donne _ ...any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.
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The Pump Handle. A water cooler for the public health crowd.
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Movie Reviews - - []
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"We have nothing to fear but fear itself." __ Franklin D. Roosevelt
"There is not enough darkness in the world to put out the light of one candle."
Tell the people you love that you love them, at every opportunity. _ _ George Carlin
"Stop telling God how big your storm is. Instead, tell the storm how big your God is!" _ _ Queen E. Watson
“A political class of Republicans and Democrats that look after themselves, not the Nation. A media hostile to the very precepts of this nation. A generation of Americans who see morals as vices, and are ignorant of America's Actual History.”
"The things that will destroy America are prosperity-at-any-price, peace-at-any-price, safety-first instead of duty-first, the love of soft living, and the get-rich-quick theory of life." - - Theodore Roosevelt
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Scheduled Activities
Men's Prayer Breakfast held every Tuesday morning at 6 AM in Miller's Cafeteria. If you aren't a regular participant at the Men's Prayer Breakfast, you're missing some great food, fellowship and inspired teaching of the Word. Hope to see you there.
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(Fire, Police, Ambulance, Sheriff, etc. )
Central Dispatch 234_5655
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Direct Numbers
Ambulance _ 234_7371 (24 Hour)
Jail _ 234_5331 (24 Hour)
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"Laugh whenever you can and cry if you need to." __ "Bug"
"I read the end of the book. We win!" __ "Bug"
"We may not be able to cure the world, but we don't have to make it sicker." __ "Bug"
"There just ain't enough fingers for all the holes in the dike." _ _ "Bug"
"It's no big deal doing what God tells you to do. A big deal would be NOT doing what God tells you to do. Just ask Jonah." _ _ Paul Troquille
“Nam et ipsa scientia potestas est.” Knowledge is power. _ Francis Bacon
"The problem is here and now. The time for talk is past. The time for action is now."
Comments on the first Earth Day _ James F. McClellan via John "Fuzzy" Thurman
Hope you enjoy the newsletter.
Again, thanks to all our contributors this week.
"Remember Pearl Harbor? Remember 9/11!" __"Bug"
God bless and GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!
God is Good and Faithful CU 73 IC JFM CSP NREMT_I KC5HII
P. S. If you'd like to be added to the distribution, just drop us E_mail at
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