Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Bug's Bleat - - Aluminium Overcast

Volume 11, Wednesday, October 21, 2009

A couple of headlines caught my eye today.

First, "Energy secretary calls on U.S. to prioritize carbon emissions"
The U.S. should concentrate on addressing its carbon emissions before seeking to impose tariffs on energy-intensive products from China, India or other nations, Energy Secretary Steven Chu said at a summit.
Hummm . . . so we should saw off our legs before requiring the rest of the world to compete on a fair basis with us?
There are two ways to get people to change. One is to encourage them to change by rewarding them for making changes. Then there's this administrations way ... punish all of us to force change.
Meanwhile congress lets incentives for change expire (like the tax credit for installing tankless waterheaters.) These folks want us all to suffer NOW!
The second headline was, "EPA orders review of BP's expansion plan for refinery"
The Environmental Protection Agency ordered Indiana regulators to review BP's operating permit for expanding its Whiting refinery to make sure it complies with the Clean Air Act. The move is in response to a petition from environmental groups that said state regulators have been too easy on BP. "We're surprised, to say the least, considering that EPA signed off on the operating permit a little over a year ago," a BP spokesman said.
So having a permit to build doesn't mean a thing. Any business plan can be trumped by the whim of the Administration's anti human agenda.
Basicly, these folks will only be satisfied when the survivors of the human race are living in caves and eating "organicly" raised berries and leaves.
Don't be discouraged. We only have a little over three years of this insanity left. Speaking of insanity, here's a smile for you . . .
GCF: Calls to the Golf Course

Staff: Golf course, may I help you?
Caller: What are your green fees?
Staff: 38 dollars.
Caller: Does that include golf?

Staff: Golf course, may I help you?
Caller: Yes, I need to get some information from you. First, is this
your correct phone number?

Staff: Golf course, may I help you?
Caller: Yes, we have a tee time for two weeks from Friday. What's the
weather going to be like that day?

Staff: Golf course, may I help you?
Caller: Yes, I had a tee time for this afternoon but I'm running late.
Can you still get me out early?

Staff: Golf course, may I help you?
Caller: Yes, do you have one of those areas where you can buy a bucket of
golf balls and hit them for practice?
Staff: You mean a "driving range"?
Caller: No, that's not it...

Staff: Golf course, may I help you?
Caller: Yes, I'd like to get a tee time tomorrow between 12 o'clock and noon.
Staff: Between 12 o'clock and noon?
Caller: Yes.
Staff: We'll try to squeeze you in.

Staff: Golf course, may I help you?
Caller: Do you have any open tee times around 10 o'clock?
Staff: Yes, we have one at 10:15.
Caller: What's the next time after that?
Staff: We have one at 10:22.
Caller: We'll take that one. It will be a bit warmer.

Staff: Golf course, may I help you?
Caller: How much to play golf today?
Staff: 25 to walk, 38 with a cart.
Caller: 38 dollars?
Staff: No, 38 yen.

Staff: Golf course, may I help you?
Caller: What do you have for tee times tomorrow?
Staff: What time would you like?
Caller: What times do you have?
Staff: What time of the day?
Caller: Any time.
Staff: Morning or afternoon?
Caller: Whenever.
Staff: We have 16 times open in the morning and 20 open in the
afternoon. Would you like me to read the whole list?
Caller: No, I don't think any of those times will work for me.

Staff: Golf course, may I help you?
Caller: Do you have a dress code?
Staff: Yes, we do. We require soft spikes.
Caller: How about clothes?
Staff: Yes, you have to wear clothes.

Staff: Golf course, may I help you?
Caller: Yes, do you have a driving range there?
Staff: Yes.
Caller: How much for a bucket of large balls?
Staff: Sorry, we're all out of large balls. But we can give you twice
as many small balls for the same price.

Staff: Golf course, may I help you?
Caller: Can I get a tee time for tomorrow?
Staff: Sure, what time would you like?
Caller: Something between 9 o'clock and 10 o'clock.
In the morning, if possible.

Staff: Golf course, may I help you?
Caller: Do you rent golf clubs there?
Staff: Yes, they're 25 dollars.
Caller: How much to rent a bag?

Staff: Golf course, may I help you?
Caller: Yes, my husband just called me on his cell phone and told me he's
on the 15th hole. How many more holes does
he have to play before he gets to the 18th?

Staff: Golf course, may I help you?
Caller: Yes, do you have a driving range there?
Staff: Yes.
Caller: How much for a large bucket?
Staff: Four dollars.
Caller: Does that include the balls?

Staff: Golf course, may I help you?
Caller: Do you have a twilight rate?
Staff: Yes, it's 15 dollars after 2 o'clock.
Caller: And what time does that start?

Staff: Golf course, may I help you?
Caller: Yes, I'd like some info about your golf course.
Staff: OK, what would you like to know?
Caller: I don't know, that's why I called.

Staff: Golf course, may I help you?
Caller: My kids just came home with pockets full of range balls and said
they stole them from your driving range.
Would you like to buy them back?

_ _____________________________________ _
/ )| Thomas S. Ellsworth |( \
/ / | | \ \
_( (_ | | _) )_
(((\ \>|_/ )_____________________________( \_|\\\\ \_/ / \ \_/ ////
\ / Who edits fishing shows? \ /
\ _/ How do they decide \_ /
/ / what's too boring? \ \

*** Good Clean Fun ***
Stop for a visit, leave with a smile!

Visit the Good Clean Fun web site at

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Bug's Bleat - - Still Turning

Volume 11, Sunday, October 11, 2009

We're still working 12x7 at Lion Oil. The work volume has slowed as they make preparations to start the plant up again. So, today, I had some time to look over our finances.

To my Brother's and Sister's it should be no surprise that I'm gonna make much much more this year than last, in spite of being forced to take early retirement in January. God has NEVER let us down. Through some fairly rough times, He's always seen us out the other side in better shape than we went in.

Another brother that I met this year was raising Chickens for Pilgrims. He'd put most of his capital into chicken houses, planning to start socking money away for his retirement in '09. Surprise, Pilgrim went belly up. But he told me that he knew God was going to take care of his family.

He's been working the shutdown with us, putting in about 84 hours a week, making enough to catch up on things and the farm. And, while working safety at the plant, he made contact with the "Hired Gun" safety guys that do this for a living (working about six months a year.) They've hired him into a job that will let him work when he wants (this will allow him to continue taking care of his farm.) And it pays enough that he won't have to work more than a third of the year to cover his cash flow needs. In addition, he loves to hunt but had to cancel his Colorado trip this year when he lost his chicken contract. We'll he's delivering some cows that he sold and the guy threw in a Colorado hunt with the purchase of he cows.

If you're in a difficult place now, remember that God loves you and gave his Son that you might have life and have it more abundantly.